Sponsor Documentation

All sponsors must contact their parish office to tell them that they intend to be a Confirmation sponsor so they need verification that they are a practicing Catholic. (Parishes do this all of the time. Your parish will know exactly what you are requesting.) 

Please have the document provided by your parish sent to Corpus Christi. (Sponsors do not need to provide a copy of their baptismal certificate to Corpus Christi. As a reminder, here are the requirements for being a Confirmation sponsor.)

The document may be emailed, faxed, or mailed to Corpus Christi Parish at:
Email: parish@corpuschristicos.org
Fax: 719/473-7567 
Address: 2318 N. Cascade Ave  Colorado Springs, CO  80907

To contact the Corpus Christi parish office by phone, call 417/633-1457.

Note: Sponsors who are Corpus Christi parishioners do not have to complete this task.