Parents’ Role

Parents are the primary educators of their children; therefore, it is the responsibility of the parents to make certain that their children are adequately prepared to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The school and religious education classes are designed to assist parents in preparing the candidates for Confirmation, but these classes are not intended to be the sole source of preparation. It is important that the family also provide guidance at home with preparing to receive the sacrament.

Parents’ responsibilities include:
·         Living out the Gospel values in their family
·         Participating regularly at Mass as a family
·         Providing continuing opportunities for their child to learn more about their Catholic faith
·         Attending preparatory meetings and other events planned to help their child prepare for Confirmation
·         Submitting the required paperwork for Confirmation in a timely manner
·         Assisting their child with the immediate preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation through prayer, study and service work