Remember these are just my personal suggestions. You know the individual you are purchasing the gift for best, so these ideas may or may not work for the person you have in mind. (For example, if you know that the candidate never wears jewelry, then a necklace of her patron saint might not be the best selection. If you do not know the individual’s taste in artwork, then you may want to avoid purchasing a figurine or something to hang on his wall.)
We are blessed to have a few Catholic book and gift stores in Colorado Springs, and you will likely find some of the items listed in these stores. There are also multiple Catholic stores online that sell a wide range of Catholic gifts.
Gift Ideas:
Bible/Rosary/Crucifix/Prayer Cards — If you know that the candidate does not own these, they can be wonderful gifts.Jewelry — You may be able to find a necklace of the candidate’s patron saint, a dove (to represent the Holy Spirit), or some other Catholic medal.
Catholic Books — There are many fabulous Catholic books. One place to look for possible Catholic books aimed at teens is at the LifeTeen site. (Just so you know, all candidates already received a copy of the YOUCAT in class.)
Graphic Tee — The LifeTeen store mentioned above is one possible source for Catholic apparel. You also may want to try Catholic to the MAX for tee-shirts and other clothing gifts.
Drawing of Saint — Pacem Studio has a collection of realistic pencil sketches of more than 70 saints — some well-known and some more obscure. The candidate’s patron saint or namesake may be one of the drawings available. (The artist is a friend of my cousin. I personally enjoy his artwork, and I own his “Christ with Children” print.)
(Disclaimer: As mentioned above, these are my personal suggestions. They are not the opinions of Corpus Christi Catholic Church, nor the Diocese of Colorado Springs, nor the employees of either. Some of the content of books or other media on the links provided may not be appropriate for teens. Please use discretion. -H. Murphy)