Confirmation Mass Dress Guidelines

Please follow the guidelines below when planning what to wear for Confirmation Mass.  

Out of respect for the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, the following dress is expected of Confirmation Candidates and Sponsors:

Ladies’ Dress Code:
Ladies are to wear either a blouse and skirt of conservative length (fall to the knee or below), or a dress of the same fashion. NO tight-fitting clothing. NO cleavage-revealing tops or shirts. Waist and midriff should be completely covered. Shoulders are to be covered ~ no sheer clothing or spaghetti straps. No open back dresses or tops. Color is the choice of the candidate. (Female sponsors may wear dress pants.)

Gentlemen’s Dress Code:
Men are to wear a collared dress shirt of any color, pressed dress pants (of the proper waist size and inseam length) and tie. Shirt should be tucked in. Sports jackets are encouraged, but optional. Suits are allowed, but not expected. Dark colors for pants, jacket, and/or suit are recommended. A belt and dark dress socks must also be worn. 

Shoe Code: (This applies to both ladies and men)
Not to be worn: Sneakers, boots of any kind, hiking shoes, sandals or flip flops.

Shoes should be of a dressy nature. Ladies’ shoes should be of a conservative heel height. Dressy sandals for the ladies are fine. Men’s shoes should be dark in color.